4 Learning Journey Inflection Points And The Challenges Each Offers Whenever You’re Trying To Acquire New Knowledge Or Develop New Skills

David Nicoll, Ph.D
3 min readApr 7, 2022

An explloration of the ‘trail markers’ you encounter when you find yourself on on an effective learning journey

Photo by Casey Schackow on Unsplash

After stuying experiential learning for several years, I come to know that every learning journey encounters at least five inflection points along its pathway. Each of these inflection points is a moment in time when the learners who areon these journeys come face to face with crucial existential decisions.

The Flour Inflection Points

1. The “Fish or Cut Bait” Inflection point

For a learner who’s approaching the start of a new learning journey, there always seems to be a “fish or cut bait moment.” This is the point in time where the prospective learner is faced with the need to decide whether to actually step out into their journey. It’s the point were they must actually face up to their fears, embrace their hopes and dreams, trust their inner resources, and simply decide to “go.”

2. The “Aha” Inflection Point

As a new learning journey is getting started, the learner come’s to what I’m call their“ moment of comprehension.” This is an inflection point that…



David Nicoll, Ph.D

I’m a dad, a reader, writer, and thought partner for individuals looking to improve their lives. My passion is learning and meeting this century’s challenges.