The Difference Between A Modern, A Post-Modern, And An Integrative Worldview, And Why You Should Know The Differences

David Nicoll, Ph.D
3 min readApr 13, 2022
Photo by Unseen Histories on Unsplash

Worldview experts are showing us that there are three distinctly different worldviews active in the world right now. They are the the “Traditional Worldview, the “Modern Worldview,” the “Post-Modern worldview,” and the “Integrative Worldview.

As I’ve suggested elsewhere, each of these three worldviews hosts thousands of different mindsets that are the detailed frameworks driving the tiny habits and the more substantial behavioral routines we use to navigate the world.

These mindsets contain the answers we have crafted regarding issues like reality, causality, identity, and morality. Each of these mindsets is a representational map we’ve created that allows us to respond and adapt to the world we are living in.

Different Worldviews/Different Implications

Thousands of distinct mindsets flow out of today’s four worldviews. For instance, in America, those who adhere to a Traditional Worldview talk about unfortunate, downtrodden people as members of their “community” — distant cousins who need looking after. Those who adhere to a Modern Worldview talk about homeless people as aliens, illegal immigrants looking for a handout — “A free ride.” And…



David Nicoll, Ph.D

I’m a dad, a reader, writer, and thought partner for individuals looking to improve their lives. My passion is learning and meeting this century’s challenges.